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How to Get There

Start by creating/saving your trip as soon as you sign up or by clicking Let’s Go on the My Commute widget.

You can also review your travel options before saving your commute by entering your origin and destination locations into the trip planner.

Along the left side of the screen are different transportation mode options for getting from Point A to Point B.  By clicking on a mode, you see all the results and options asscoiated with that mode, as well as the various routes on the map to the right.

Saving your commute gives you quick access to up-to-date trip options via the My Commute widget on your user dashboard, lets you share your trip and invite other users to join your trip, and makes trip logging simple and quick.

For more information about carpooling and bikepooling, visit the RideAmigos pages on how to find, join, and create a carpool or bikepool.