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Get There is Oregon’s free, online trip planning tool that can help you find a carpool/vanpool, transit routes, bike/walk partners and more! Make connections quickly and easily. It’s free and secure, and you can even win prizes for participating. Visit GetThereOregon.org to sign up today!

Get There is a free service of ODOT, managed locally in Lane County by Point2point at Lane Transit District. If you have any questions about Get There, please contact us at 541-682-6183.

CommuteTracker by RideAmigos

Get There App

CommuteTracker by RideAmigos is the easy and fun way to connect to commuter programs and incentives throughout our region. Download, login, and let the rewards begin!

Install the Commute Tracker app from Google Play (Android) or the iOS App Store.

When prompted, grant the app permission to use your location. This permission is essential to automated location-based commute detection.

The application will automatically display any public commute programs near you.

If the program you are part of is not public, you will need to log in to your program’s website and retrieve your PIN from the dashboard or the Connected Apps section of your user profile.

If you already have a Connect PIN from your RideAmigos-powered commute program, you can tap “Yes, let’s go!” and skip ahead to step 4.

  1. Tap to choose your commute program and enter your email address. You will receive an email with your Connect PIN. Please allow up to 5 minutes for the Connect PIN to arrive.
  2. If this is your first time connecting to this site with this email address, an account will be created for you.
  3. If you already have an account on this site associated with your email address, Commute Tracker will sync to your existing account.
  4. Enter the 6-character Connect PIN in the space provided.
  5. Follow the prompts to provide information that allows Commute Tracker to detect and predict trips between your home and work. Make sure these are entered accurately. (Specific street addresses are required for both home and work in order for Commute Tracker to detect trips. General addresses such as “city, state” do not allow Commute Tracker to recognize when you’ve left your home or reached your workplace and therefore the app will not identify or log trips.)

For more information on how to use the Commute Tracker App, please visit: https://help.rideamigos.com/using-commute-tracker-app/