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Vanpool Guide

Ready to get started with Vanpool?

Join a current vanpool or form a new vanpool with a few simple steps:
Are you interested in vanpooling but not sure where to start? We’ve broken it down into four simple steps to get you on your way to saving money!

  1. Talk to co-workers. Start by talking to co-workers to find at least four additional people who have a similar commute and want to save money by sharing the ride with you. You may also search the ride-matching tool Get There Oregon (Hyperlink) to find people outside of your organization who have a similar commute.
  2. Find drivers. From your group of commuters, find two or more volunteers with good driving records. One driver is “primary” and the other is “backup.” All drivers must complete a free Van Driver Orientation provided through Commute with Enterprise. 
  3. Contact us. Once you have enough commuters, contact us at vanpool@LTD.org or call 541-682-6183.
  4. Relax! That’s all there is to forming a vanpool! Other than some paperwork to complete, you’re ready to start saving.